Chinese Philosophy of Life: Wall Paintings Reflecting Traditional Values

Preserving and Spreading Chinese Culture Through Art

Inspired by traditional Chinese education and values, designer Wang yue-YISHU Creative has created a series of wall paintings that not only showcase the beauty of ancient Chinese totems and patterns but also convey the important values that underpin Chinese society. These stunning artworks serve as a reminder of the significance of traditional culture and aim to promote a deeper understanding of Chinese values both within the country and around the world.

The fifteen wall paintings, each measuring 1.75m by 8.5m or 1.75m by 7m, are adorned with traditional Chinese totems, symbolic patterns, and flowers that hold deep meaning in Chinese culture. These patterns have been meticulously designed based on historical drawings and classic traditional patterns, ensuring their authenticity and cultural significance. Each painting represents one of the twelve important values of China, providing a visual representation of these principles.

Using waterborne fluorocarbon lacquer as the primary material, the wall paintings were created using traditional ink and brush techniques. The paintings were completed in busy streets where residents frequently pass by, allowing them to engage with the artwork in their daily lives. Nearby kindergartens also play a role in the project, as children learn to read the paintings and characters with the help of their parents. Some of the paintings are inherited from ancient times or designed based on historical imagination, encouraging parents to refer to books for identification and fostering a deeper understanding of traditional culture.

The aim of this project is not only to improve the spiritual quality of Chinese citizens but also to spread Chinese culture and principles to the world. By showcasing the beauty and depth of traditional Chinese art, these wall paintings serve as a bridge between the past and the present, inviting viewers to appreciate and learn from the rich cultural heritage of China.

"If everyone can understand others and share common beliefs, then it would be a society of harmony and freedom," says Wang yue-YISHU Creative. Through these wall paintings, the designer hopes to promote universal values that originated from Chinese traditions and are relevant to contemporary society. By evoking a sense of curiosity and interest in the audience, the paintings aim to convey these beliefs in a deeper and more meaningful way.

The project, which began in October 2016 in Dalian, was completed in December of the same year. The challenges faced by the designer included finding the right totems that corresponded to the values and resonated with the people. Despite the gradual fading of ancient culture, the project successfully captured the attention of the audience and conveyed the beliefs behind the artwork.

These wall paintings have not only been recognized for their artistic and cultural significance but have also received the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in the Idea and Conceptual Design category in 2017. This award acknowledges the well-designed, practical, and innovative nature of the creations, which meet professional and industrial requirements while contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yue Wang
Image Credits: Image #1: Creator Yue Wang , society, 2016 Image #2: Creator Yue Wang , Freedom, 2016 Image #3: Creator Yue Wang , Equality, 2016 Image #4: Creator Yue Wang , Fairness, 2016 Image #5: Creator Yue Wang , Rule of Law, 2016 Image #6: Creator Yue Wang ,Country, 2016 Image #7: Creator Yue Wang , Prosperity, 2016 Image #8: Creator Yue Wang , Democracy, 2016 Image #9: Creator Yue Wang , Civilization, 2016 Image #10: Creator Yue Wang , Harmony, 2016 Image #11: Creator Yue Wang , citizen, 2016 Image #12: Creator Yue Wang , Patriotism, 2016 Image #13: Creator Yue Wang , Dedication, 2016 Image #14: Creator Yue Wang , Faithfulness, 2016 Image #15: Creator Yue Wang , Amity, 2016
Project Team Members: Yue Wang
Project Name: Chinese values
Project Client: Yue Wang

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Chinese values  IMG #5

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